Availability: late April - mid-July
Troutlodge Jumper strain rainbow eggs are typically available and offered to customers between April and July. The Jumpers strain is selected via genomic selection for high resistance to Bacterial Cold Water Disease. Eggs are approximately 4.8 - 5.3 mm on average. To ensure your alevins or fry survive and grow well we recommend feeding premium trout starter diets after hatching and “swim-up” with a size range of 0.2 mm – 0.6 mm.
Click here for more information about our BCWD resistant Jumper strain.
The Jumper group was originally acquired decades ago by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife from lakes in British Columbia due to its reputation as a sporting fish. Troutlodge acquired the strain from WDFW for similar reasons when a larger part of our business was dedicated to stocking private and public waters in Washington State.
According to our long-serving team members, the first selection process performed on this stock was to set screens in the raceways with Jumper stock low enough that those fish with the desire could jump over the rack. The fish that jumped the rack was selected, with the idea being these fish would provide the best fight for anglers. For this reason, the nickname ‘Jumper’ was given to this group, a name that continues to this day and is still part of our inventory labeling system.
Despite these origins, this group began undergoing quantitative breeding selection for the same criteria as our other groups and should be considered the same as our other groups in terms of growth performance. In addition, the Jumper group has been subject to multiple generations of Genomic selection for resistance to Flavobacterium Psychrophilum infections (BCWD/RTFS) and shows significant resistance to such challenges.